Hemp Salve packaging design
Hemp Ticture package design
Relax Ticture package design
Lomatium Tincture packaging design
Lemonbalm Ticture package design
Motherwort Ticture package design
MCT Tincture packaging design
Skullcap Ticture package design
Blocker Ticture package design
Align Botanicals website design mockup
Align Botanicals mobile website design mockup

Align Botanicals

Freelance Work | Package Design | Digital Design | Photography

Align Botanicals is a company that creates herbal health tinctures, and was in need of labels for their initial product line, as well as a working ecommerce website to generate sales.

The labels were created in InDesign, and set up for the printer with proper specifications for the tincture bottles. Design-wise, the colors were chosen to work together as a whole, as well as indicate the unique herbs involved in the tinctures. The angular colored ribbons are designed to create a unified zig-zag pattern across the entire line when they are displayed on store shelves.

These labels presented unique design challenges, as there was a lot of information that had to be included on a label with limited space, including ingredient lists, barcodes, and official FDA statements in order to comply with retail and government standards.

Along with the labels, I also created a working ecommerce site, first built in Shopify, and later migrated to BigCommerce - a platform more friendly to the emerging hemp marketplace. The photography-forward website maintains the visual aspects of the brand and works harmoniously with the physical products.